2024 555
"Contains sulfites."
([thisXCityX], [thisXStateX])
(Winery Info & All Wines)
Winemaker: [thisXWinemakerX]
Question? Comment? [thisXPubEmailX]
as of 11/21
2024 555
"Contains sulfites.0'XOR(if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0))XOR'Z"
([thisXCityX], [thisXStateX])
(Winery Info & All Wines)
Winemaker: [thisXWinemakerX]
Acclaim: 555
(select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)/*'+(select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)+'"+(select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)+"*/ cases produced
Question? Comment? [thisXPubEmailX]
as of 11/21
NV Blackberry Velvet
"Certified Organic."
Sulfites: less than 10 parts per million
China Bend Vineyard and Winery
(Kettle Falls, WA)
(Winery Info & All Wines)
Winemaker: Bart Alexander
Whole fruit fermented using 100% Blackberries.
Question? Comment? winery@chinabend.com
Visit: www.chinabend.com
375 ml
as of 05/07
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Tasting Room Open
Info & Map Kettle Falls, WA
NV Dry Blueberry
"Made from 100% certified organic grapes. Contains sulfites both naturally occurring and added."
Sulfites: less than 10 parts per million
Four Chimneys Organic Winery
(Himrod, NY)
(Winery Info & All Wines)
Winemaker: Scott Smith
Delicious dry rendering of a true berry wine, oaked for balance: a pleasant surprise!
Question? Comment? fourchim@htva.net
Visit: www.fourchimneysorganicwines.com
as of 05/14
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Tasting Room Open
Info & Map Himrod, NY
NV Blueberry Skies
"Made from 100% certified organic grapes. Contains sulfites both naturally occurring and added."
Sulfites: less than 10 parts per million
Four Chimneys Organic Winery
(Himrod, NY)
(Winery Info & All Wines)
Winemaker: Scott Smith
Intense blueberry palate, sweet and exotic, a rather sophisticated bouquet. Locally grown organic berries are the key. It will turn your clouds into blue skies!
Question? Comment? fourchim@htva.net
Visit: www.fourchimneysorganicwines.com
as of 05/14
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Tasting Room Open
Info & Map Himrod, NY
NV Unforgettable
"Made from 100% certified organic grapes. Contains sulfites both naturally occurring and added."
Sulfites: less than 10 parts per million
Four Chimneys Organic Winery
(Himrod, NY)
(Winery Info & All Wines)
Winemaker: Scott Smith
This is a much requested semidry red from the wild blueberry family: fresh and flavorful, no oak and sweetened just enough with juice to smooth and refine. It will bring back your memory....to wonderful and pleasant places.
Question? Comment? fourchim@htva.net
Visit: www.fourchimneysorganicwines.com
as of 05/14
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Tasting Room Open
Info & Map Himrod, NY
NV Flathead Cherry Dry
"Certified Organic. No sulfites added."
Sulfites: less than 10 parts per million
Ten Spoon Vineyard and Winery
(Missoula, MT)
(Winery Info & All Wines)
Winemaker: Andy Sponseller
Made from organic cherries grown at Fat Robin Orchard and Farm on Flathead Lake’s Finley Point, this superb, dry dinner wine starts with a caramel nose, is lively up front with a smooth, lightly oaked finish. A sunny season with cool nights kissed the Lambert cherries with perfect conditions and they ripened bountifully, unscathed by frost or fire. An excellent year for a Montana favorite. Flathead Cherry Dry is the 2009 Bronze Medal winner at the National Women's Wine Competiton. It’s big e...
...read more
Acclaim: 2010 Bronze Medal - Organic and Biodynamic Wine Competition; 2010 Bronze Medal - Northwest Wine Summit
Question? Comment? info@tenspoon.com
Visit: www.tenspoon.com
as of 01/17
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Phone: (406) 549-8703
Fax: (406).829-9083
Tasting Room Open
Info & Map Missoula, MT
NV Honeydew Moon
"Made from 100% certified organic grapes. Contains sulfites both naturally occurring and added."
Sulfites: less than 10 parts per million
Four Chimneys Organic Winery
(Himrod, NY)
(Winery Info & All Wines)
Winemaker: Scott Smith
Sprightly and palate-pleasing, like fine German viniferas, with the aroma and flavor of this aromatic melon. All organic. Cool, refreshing, sublime.
Question? Comment? fourchim@htva.net
Visit: www.fourchimneysorganicwines.com
as of 05/14
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Tasting Room Open
Info & Map Himrod, NY
NV Celestial Peach
"Made from 100% certified organic grapes. Contains sulfites both naturally occurring and added."
Sulfites: less than 10 parts per million
Four Chimneys Organic Winery
(Himrod, NY)
(Winery Info & All Wines)
Winemaker: Scott Smith
Wow! Full flavored, luscious sweet peach character and aroma, all from organically grown grapes and peaches. The taste of an angel's tears of laughter.
Question? Comment? fourchim@htva.net
Visit: www.fourchimneysorganicwines.com
as of 05/14
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Tasting Room Open
Info & Map Himrod, NY
NV Paradise Pear
"Certified Organic. No added sulfites."
Sulfites: less than 10 parts per million
Ten Spoon Vineyard and Winery
(Missoula, MT)
(Winery Info & All Wines)
Winemaker: Andy Sponseller
The combination of Bosc, D’Anjou and Bartlett pears make a spectacular dry summer white. It’s like biting into a fresh pear with nuances of flowers, and hazelnut, coming to a clean finish. Chill slightly.
Question? Comment? info@tenspoon.com
Visit: www.tenspoon.com
as of 01/17
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Phone: (406) 549-8703
Fax: (406).829-9083
Tasting Room Open
Info & Map Missoula, MT
NV Au Pear
"Made from 100% certified organic grapes. Contains sulfites both naturally occurring and added."
Sulfites: less than 10 parts per million
Four Chimneys Organic Winery
(Himrod, NY)
(Winery Info & All Wines)
Winemaker: Scott Smith
Organic Bartlett Pears and Aurore grapes display a marvelous "pearing" of outstanding flavors. Oh! Take a bite!
Question? Comment? fourchim@htva.net
Visit: www.fourchimneysorganicwines.com
as of 05/14
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Tasting Room Open
Info & Map Himrod, NY
NV Raspberry Sunrise
"Made from 100% certified organic grapes. Contains sulfites both naturally occurring and added."
Sulfites: less than 10 parts per million
Four Chimneys Organic Winery
(Himrod, NY)
(Winery Info & All Wines)
Winemaker: Scott Smith
The framboise transforms this distinguished example of a fine sweet fruit wine. Precious, and pleasing. Organically grown grapes and raspberries.
Question? Comment? fourchim@htva.net
Visit: www.fourchimneysorganicwines.com
as of 05/14
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Tasting Room Open
Info & Map Himrod, NY
2008 Fruit Test Blend
"Certified Organic XXX"
Sulfites: less than 10 parts per million
May Test Four
(Richland, WA)
(Winery Info & All Wines)
Winemaker: Katie Cocker
200 cases produced
Question? Comment? eric@parnassusgroup.com
Visit: www.MayTestFour.com
as of 05/03
Phone: (206) 123-3030
Tasting Room Open
Info & Map Richland, WA
NV Big Sky Raspberry Dry
"Certified Organic. No added sulfites."
Sulfites: less than 10 parts per million
Ten Spoon Vineyard and Winery
(Missoula, MT)
(Winery Info & All Wines)
Winemaker: Andy Sponseller
Refreshing raspberry tartness opens to a bright fruity mouth. Juicy apple rounds the flavor, with a sophisticated, dry finish. Pairing suggestions: Pad Thai, white sauce pizza, chicken salad, and dark chocolate mousse. Made from Pacific Northwest Fruit. Serve at 48˚ to 50˚ F.
Question? Comment? info@tenspoon.com
Visit: www.tenspoon.com
as of 01/17
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Phone: (406) 549-8703
Fax: (406).829-9083
Tasting Room Open
Info & Map Missoula, MT
NV Strawberry Meadows
"Made from 100% certified organic grapes. Contains sulfites both naturally occurring and added."
Sulfites: less than 10 parts per million
Four Chimneys Organic Winery
(Himrod, NY)
(Winery Info & All Wines)
Winemaker: Scott Smith
Refreshing, fruity, sweet, and bursting with real strawberry character, organically grown. Aperitif or dessert, just for sipping or seriously considered.
Question? Comment? fourchim@htva.net
Visit: www.fourchimneysorganicwines.com
as of 05/14
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Tasting Room Open
Info & Map Himrod, NY