River Grove Winery
2005 Sparkling Shiraz
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Appellation: Clarksburg
Syrah Sparkling Wine
River Grove Winery
(Clarksburg, CA)
(Winery Info & All Wines)
Winemaker: Robert Scobey
Sparkling Shiraz, a perennial favorite during the Holiday Season in Australia, was recently named "the perfect barbecue wine" by Bon Apetit Magazine in the July 2005 issue. Our Sparkling Shiraz is a particularly smooth and satisfying sparkling wine that pairs well with crisp flavors and rich foods - everything from a grilled shrimp appetizer to the Holiday roast. Its palate includes wild berries, tropical spices, pepper and just a glimmer of sweetness - all topped by a luxuriant crimson fizz.
River Grove 2005 Sparkling Shiraz web page
December 2008 Vino Primo.com Sparkling Wine review
Question? Comment? office@rivergrovewinery.com
Visit: www.rivergrovewinery.com
1 case discount 20%, 3+ cases 40%, mixed cases OK
as of 12/24
Order Direct Online
Phone: (916) 744-9000
Fax: (916).744-1685
Send an email to cellarmaster@rivergrovewinery.com
Tastings by Appointment
"Tasting room open by appointment only.["